ASTHO Statement on President’s FY24 Budget Proposal
March 09, 2023
ARLINGTON, VA—Michael Fraser, PhD, chief executive officer of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), issued the following statement on President Biden’s “Budget of the U.S. Government Fiscal Year 2024.”
“ASTHO is pleased that the President’s budget includes proposals to increase investments in public health infrastructure, data modernization, ending the HIV epidemic, and addressing the opioid overdose epidemic. In addition, ASTHO welcomes the opportunity to learn more and partner with the administration on potential ways to develop new mandatory programmatic initiatives such as the national hepatitis C program, vaccines for adults, and pandemic preparedness programs.
ASTHO looks forward to working with members of Congress during the upcoming appropriations season to provide increased, flexible, and sustainable sources of funding for state and territorial health departments so they can fulfill their mission to ensure optimal health for all Americans.”