ASTHO Statement on President’s FY21 Budget Proposal
February 10, 2020
ARLINGTON, VA—Michael Fraser, chief executive officer of ASTHO, issued the following statement on President Trump’s Fiscal Year 2021 budget, “A Budget for America’s Future.”
“ASTHO is pleased that the President’s budget acknowledges the shifting landscape in combating the addiction epidemic in our nation and includes increased flexibility for public health to address methamphetamines and other stimulant abuse and misuse. We also applaud the proposed $450 million increase for the second year of the Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative, which will lead to a further expansion of diagnosis and treatment in affected communities throughout the nation.
"However, we are extremely concerned about the significant proposed cuts to CDC, SAMHSA, and HRSA funding overall and the many proposed cuts and consolidations of public health programs. Now more than ever, Congress and the Administration must prioritize funding for the entire public health system. Increased investments are needed to respond to the ever-growing number of public health threats, including the novel coronavirus, measles outbreaks, vaping-associated illnesses, and the ongoing substance abuse and misuse epidemic, all while simultaneously promoting optimal health for all through chronic disease prevention.”