Anticipating a rapid deployment of COVID-19 vaccines as they are authorized, the CDC developed COVID-19 Vaccination Program Operational Guidance in collaboration with state and local jurisdictions to outline how each jurisdiction will make ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the consequences of decades of underfunding. To ensure we are better prepared for future pandemics and biological threats, we must consider the long-term investments required to bolster our public ...
2020 has been a year of unprecedented events, and the past few months have already shown that they do not exist in a vacuum. While the country continues to respond and cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, many extreme weather events have ...
Public health plays a vital role to ensure the safety of all attendees, prevent dangerous infectious disease outbreaks, and prepare for any potential threats. Learn about the work Guam did to prepare for the 2016 Festival of Pacific Arts.
ASTHO issued a statement of concern for public health and healthcare workers on June 25, 2021, following the publication of a CDC MMWR Early Release, that details the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
On Aug. 3, 2020, ASTHO CEO Michael Fraser issued a statement reminding the federal government of the toll COVID-19 is taking on public health systems, and calling on Congress and the administration to support and fund governmental public ...
On March 31, 2021, ASTHO hosted its inaugural TechXpo, the first national convening of state and territorial health officials with local and federal partners and private technology firms and tech entrepreneurs focusing specifically on the ...
On Oct. 22, 2020, in preparation for National Vote Early Day, ASTHO joined voter education groups and local public health agencies to remind voters of steps they can take to ensure they stay healthy while voting in-person.
On Aug. 12, 2020, ASTHO and the Big Cities Health Coalition launched a joint campaign called Personalities, that urges Americans to "mask up" and slow the spread of COVID-19.
As many state legislatures seek to expand vaccine exemptions, it’s important to understand the fundamental differences in exemption type and their impact on a community.
Public health officials have a significant opportunity to provide leadership on the issue of Long COVID, through their own authorities, and by capitalizing on their influence in the public health and healthcare sectors.
Exploring the Effect of Public Health Crises on Health Equity Leadership ASTHO, association of state and territorial health officials, public health, social determinants of health, centers for disease control, public health crisis, health ...
ASTHO spoke with Greg Endler, and Michele Roberts of the Washington State Department of Health as they share reflections on working to improve vaccine confidence in their jurisdiction both prior to and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Public health officials from all levels of government are working to respond to the existing outbreak of monkeypox, while preparing for the potential of more widespread transmission.
Accurate and timely communication from health officials during a public health emergency is critical to ensure people can reduce their risk of illness or death. Karen Smith (alumni-CA) talks about her experiences communicating policy ...
The COVID-19 pandemic provided an unprecedented opportunity to speed up developing Delaware’s Functional Assessment Service Team and to test it at scale.
States and territories have broad powers to protect public health and safety, including powers to prevent and control the spread of communicable disease typically exercised by state and territorial health departments. This authority is an ...
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of the last century, as well as some of the most powerful and cost-effective tools to prevent disease, disparities, disability, and death among children and adults. The COVID-19 ...
While governments have faced challenges in adopting a Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach to respond to COVID-19, the impact of the public health emergency across sectors such as housing, transportation, and employment has created a ...
In the late fall of 2021, ASTHO leadership visited select jurisdictions in the Pacific and the Atlantic for the first time since COVID-19 curtailed travel to these regions. It was a fantastic to reconnect with our leadership and dedicated ...