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Understanding the Updated Women’s Preventive Services Guidelines


In December 2021, HRSA approved new and updated Women’s Preventive Services Guidelines, which will go into effect in 2023. The recent changes include a new guideline on obesity prevention for midlife women and updates to five existing ...

Promoting Mental Well-Being in a Post-Pandemic World


Although suicide was a critical public health issue in the U.S. long before the COVID-19 pandemic began, Americans are now reporting increased mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, and suicidal behaviors. In addition, millions ...

Community Health Workers and the Heart of Public Health


Over the years evidence has expanded on community health workers (CHWs) improving outcomes and even reducing disparities in heart disease and many other public health priority areas. However, their presence in state and local public health ...

Building a More Equitable Economy Post-Pandemic


Economic security and well-being, job stability, access to safe and affordable housing, access to healthy and nutritious foods, and access to resources to manage mental and physical health—all of these things impact individual, family, and ...

Emphasizing Seasonal Flu Vaccination Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic


Each year the U.S. battles seasonal influenza, leaving millions of people sick, hospitalized, or worse. As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, it is crucial for all eligible individuals to receive a flu vaccine to help reduce the likelihood ...

Creating a 21st Century Legacy Toward Thriving Families


ASTHO CEO Michael Fraser, PhD, and Tracey Wareing Evans, President and CEO of APHSA, sit down to discuss building a foundational family well-being roadmap amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Getting Creative to Keep Americans Fed During COVID-19


The COVID-19 pandemic has exasperated challenges around access to nutritious and affordable foods. In response, the federal government has taken action to increase funding and access to programs to strengthen food security.

Improving Access to Oral Healthcare: A Snapshot of State Initiatives


For many Americans, access to dental care remains out of reach, but there are a number of states pursuing strategies to improve access and oral health outcomes, such as primary care and dental care integration, workforce innovations, and ...

Health Officials Seek Sustained Investments to Protect Moms and Babies


Health Officials Seek Sustained Investments to Protect Moms and Babies ARLINGTON, VA—Health officials say a new CDC study on Zika-associated birth defects is a stark reminder that emerging infectious diseases constitute a persistent threat ...

COVID-19 and the Fourth Trimester

This episode highlights COVID-19’s impact on overdose-related deaths during the postpartum period, also known as the fourth trimester. There has been a significant increase in postpartum overdose-related deaths in recent years—a problem ...