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Maximizing the Benefit of COVID-19 Therapeutics: Considerations for State Public Health Officials

An issue brief by ASTHO and the Duke University Margolis Center for Health Policy that highlights considerations for state health officials as they look to maximize the benefits of COVID-19 therapeutics.

When the Power Fails: Helping Life-Support Equipment Users


People who use electricity-dependent durable medical equipment (DME) at home—such as ventilators and oxygen concentrators—can face life-threatening consequences during a power outage. HHS reports that 2.7 million Medicare beneficiaries ...

Lessons Learned from the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands COVID-19 Response


As COVID spread through the country and infection rates rose in every state, many of the the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPI) received media attention for remaining relatively COVID-free. The USAPI’s unified response in the face of ...

Partnering with Community Action Agencies Can Improve Trust in Vaccines


Partnering with Community Action Agencies Can Improve Trust in Vaccines astho, association of state and territorial health officials, association of state and territorial health officials astho, state health official, public health ...

Wisconsin at Intersection of Public Health and Youth Justice


An in-depth look at how Wisconsin state agencies are partnering across sectors and systems to strengthen supports for children and youth to stop the cycle of incarceration.

Prevention for the Next Generation: Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences, Suicide, and Overdose


With the pandemic upending social interaction, youth mental health is an increasingly important issue. This episode explores why understanding the intersection of suicide, overdose, and ACEs is critical to helping individuals live happy ...

A Public Health Milestone: COVID-19 Vaccine Q&A With Meredith Allen, ASTHO’s Vice President for Health Security


A discussion with Meredith Allen, ASTHO’s Vice President for Health Security, about how the first shipments of the COVID-19 vaccinations have been a major turning point for the pandemic and a milestone moment for U.S. public health ...

Exploring the Role of Physicians in Addressing the Social Determinants of Health


Healthcare consulting firm Leavitt Partners published survey results which found that, while most physicians acknowledge the impact of social determinants of health on their patients, most do not believe it is their responsibility to ...

Improving Youth Behavioral Health Through School-Based Strategies


This infographic highlights 10 high-level strategies to advance work in school behavioral health.

Advancing Cognitive Well-Being Through the Healthy Brain Initiative Road Map

Co-authors from CDC and the Alzheimer’s Association provide details about the new 2018-2023 Healthy Brain Initiative Road Map, which offers strategies for public health agencies to promote cognitive health and support people living with ...

Promoting Mental Well-Being in a Post-Pandemic World


Although suicide was a critical public health issue in the U.S. long before the COVID-19 pandemic began, Americans are now reporting increased mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, and suicidal behaviors. In addition, millions ...

Community Health Workers and the Heart of Public Health


Over the years evidence has expanded on community health workers (CHWs) improving outcomes and even reducing disparities in heart disease and many other public health priority areas. However, their presence in state and local public health ...

Building a More Equitable Economy Post-Pandemic


Economic security and well-being, job stability, access to safe and affordable housing, access to healthy and nutritious foods, and access to resources to manage mental and physical health—all of these things impact individual, family, and ...

Creating a 21st Century Legacy Toward Thriving Families


ASTHO CEO Michael Fraser, PhD, and Tracey Wareing Evans, President and CEO of APHSA, sit down to discuss building a foundational family well-being roadmap amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Elevating Community Voices Through Health Equity Leadership


Four DELPH participants answer the question, “Which is more important for leadership in health equity: to influence the community to follow the leader’s vision or to influence the community to follow their own vision?”