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Health Officials Encourage Flu Shots to Protect Pregnant Women and Infants


Health Officials Encourage Flu Shots to Protect Pregnant Women and Infants ARLINGTON, VA—Flu season has arrived in the United States and with influenza activity on the rise, being vaccinated against the flu for people six months and older ...

States Consider Expanding Scope of Flu Vaccine Policies


The 2019-2020 flu season had approximately 5 million fewer illnesses than the previous year. Thanks to COVID-19 mitigation efforts like social distancing and increased handwashing—coupled with a higher rate of flu vaccinations among the ...

Public Health Policy Issues to Watch in 2021


With many of the state and territorial legislatures reconvening over the next few weeks, we can look forward to new (and not-so-new) legislation start to crop up that will impact public health. To help navigate the new legislative ...

Emphasizing Seasonal Flu Vaccination Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic


Each year the U.S. battles seasonal influenza, leaving millions of people sick, hospitalized, or worse. As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, it is crucial for all eligible individuals to receive a flu vaccine to help reduce the likelihood ...

Health Officials Alarmed by Declining U.S. Vaccination Rates, Country Could Face Scenario Like Europe's Measles Outbreak


Health Officials Alarmed by Declining U.S. Vaccination Rates, Country Could Face Scenario Like Europe's Measles Outbreak ARLINGTON, VA—The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) is concerned about the latest ...

Pharmacies Are Critical to Pandemic Planning, Not Just Response


Pharmacies have long been instrumental partners in providing lifesaving vaccines nationwide. As state and territorial health officials evaluate their COVID-19 response, planners must include input from the pharmacy community when ...

State Health Officials Strongly Encourage Influenza Vaccinations Among Pregnant Women


State Health Officials Strongly Encourage Influenza Vaccinations Among Pregnant Women ARLINGTON, VA—Jay Butler, MD, ASTHO president and chief medical officer for the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, released the following ...

How States are Handling School Vaccination Requirements in a Pandemic


Conditioning school attendance on student vaccinations is an evidence-based way of maintaining and increasing vaccine coverage. State law establishes school vaccination requirements which apply not only to public schools but often to ...