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Polarity Thinking: Leading During a Pandemic

Leading a governmental health department is a complex job during the best of times, but particularly so during a pandemic when leaders must navigate every step carefully. In this episode, our guests introduce and discuss a concept called ...

Lessons From the Trenches: Leading During a Public Health Crisis

On this episode, we speak with two public health veterans who led state health departments during times of public health uncertainty—like H1N1 and Ebola. Our guests discuss the lessons they learned during trying times, the advice they’d ...

Leveraging Health Official Authority and Influence for Systems Improvement

This brief draws on health officials’ experiences in territories and Freely Associated States to illustrate opportunities to lead improvement efforts by building relationships, committing to data use, establishing regular communication, ...

Public Health Infrastructure Proposals Gain Steam in Congress


The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the consequences of decades of underfunding. To ensure we are better prepared for future pandemics and biological threats, we must consider the long-term investments required to bolster our public ...

The Importance of Crisis Communications in Public Health

As states continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of crisis communications is vital. How can states provide the public with relevant, timely information? What are the essential elements of a crisis communications response?

Chief Health Strategists: How Public Health Leaders Can Be Successful Working Across the Health Landscape, Part II

This episode, the second of a two-part series, continues the conversation on moving from concept into practice, as well as how to apply ASTHO's three pillars for population health improvement to support clinical to community ...

Communicating During an Emergency: Cyanotoxin Lessons From Oregon

This episode will focus on lessons learned from Oregon Health Authority’s cyanotoxin education and outreach efforts, and how a water contamination emergency caused by cyanotoxins can quickly become a public information emergency. Three ...

Think Big When Applying for Infrastructure Funding: 12 Recommendations for Health Agencies


Public health agencies have an opportunity to recruit for and retain a diverse and skilled workforce. As new funding opportunities emerge ASTHO recommends a focus on proof, people, and processes.

Chief Health Strategists: How Public Health Leaders Can Be Successful Working Across the Health Landscape, Part I

This episode is the first in a two-part series that will explore how the concept of chief health strategist is defined, how it works, and how public health leaders can rethink their approach to be more effective in their communities.

Making the Connection Between Health in All Policies and State Health Improvement Plans

This report explores how the seven strategies for HiAP directly relate to the actions involved in developing State Health Improvement Plans, as both are collaborative by nature and seek to improve health and equity.