The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted both the physical and mental health well-being of youth. Disruptions in both their home and school life have put youth at risk for poor mental health outcomes that include increased anxiety, depression, ...
ASTHO Legislative Prospectus | Prevention 2023 state legislative action on mental health.
Summary of FY24 House Appropriations Bill astho, association of state and territorial health officials, global health, ending the hiv epidemic, fy24 lhhs appropriation bill, substance abuse and mental health services administration, ...
In-depth analysis on state health policy surrounding immunization. This is part of ASTHO's annual legislative prospectus series.
In-depth analysis on state health policy surrounding health equity. This is part of ASTHO's annual legislative prospectus series.
Public Health and Information Sharing Toolkit The Public Health & Information Sharing (PH&IS) Toolkit addresses key concepts regarding public health agencies' authority to collect, use, and share information to prepare and ...
The State Health Policy portfolio includes an annual legislative prospectus series. These briefs summarize upcoming legislation proposals that impact public health across the states and territories.
Reconciling the tension between public health and civil liberties is one of the most significant challenges of public health law and ethics. The Supreme Court of the United States historically upheld state authority to enact and enforce ...
All too often, work in health, housing, and human services systems is siloed. However, when you move upstream and work together, these industries can address the root causes of health and social issues. If we continue to operate our ...
During the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government enacted the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, temporarily expanding the use of telehealth technologies by removing various requirements and ...