ASTHO’s Quality Improvement Plan Toolkit is designed to assist state and territorial health agency staff with developing an agency-wide quality improvement plan and to facilitate preparation for accreditation by the Public Health ...
Why I Got the Vaccine: A PSA Series on Vaccination for People Living with Disabilities and Their Caregivers Building vaccine confidence in people living with disabilities and their caregivers is a critical step in protecting the disability ...
In recognition of Rural Health Day, which falls on Nov. 18, we spoke with Ayne Amjad (SHO-WV) and Maggie Cook-Shimanek (SHO-MT) about the importance of public health in rural areas.
In 2020 and early 2021, state policymakers took action to raise awareness of the impacts of racism on health outcomes, to reverse the damage of racist polices, and to implement policy changes to ensure that future policies are enacted with ...
Access to quality and reliable transportation is an indispensable aspect of American life. But for too many, social and economic conditions stand in the way. How do residents of Elk County, Kansas—where the nearest hospital is about 70 ...
The contributions of African Americans, some doctors, scientists, public health officials, and others have changed the way we practice medicine and health care for more than 400 years. Because of barriers like structural racism, implicit ...
An analysis of CDC's 2022 update of its universal recommendation for the hepatitis B vaccine for adults.
Support from postpartum doulas can can increase parental self-efficacy and adherence to treatment for those experiencing SUD, leading to lower rates of postpartum depression and, subsequently, improved health outcomes.
When the COVID-19 pandemic began the need for greater access to virtual reproductive healthcare services increased dramatically. Telehealth increased access to providers, eased workflows and infection protection for clinical staff, and ...