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Partner Coordination Efforts to Strengthen Infection Prevention and Control Practices


This report highlights examples of health department partnership coordination strategies to enhance surveillance, increase resource and staffing capacity, and improve communication and collaboration in order to strengthen infection ...

The Need for Modernizing Public Health Data in Responding to COVID-19


Public health data collection and surveillance systems by health departments are in dire need of modernization. Though the public health community began developing a path to modernization over the last decade, attention to this issue from ...

PHAB Accreditation Impact Infographic Series

This four-part infographic series, developed by ASTHO with support from CDC’s Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support (CSTLTS), illustrates successes from six state health departments to show how Public Health ...

National Rural Health Day: States Investing in Rural Communities


November 18 is National Rural Health Day, a commemoration started by State Offices of Rural Health to recognize the power and resilience of rural communities. Twenty percent of the U.S. population lives in rural communities. Recognizing ...

Leveraging Health Official Authority and Influence for Systems Improvement

This brief draws on health officials’ experiences in territories and Freely Associated States to illustrate opportunities to lead improvement efforts by building relationships, committing to data use, establishing regular communication, ...