ASTHO produced this guide to be applicable to state health departments seeking public health accreditation through Public Health Accreditation Board as well as to those developing a State Health Improvement Plan but are not seeking ...
This episode will focus on lessons learned from Oregon Health Authority’s cyanotoxin education and outreach efforts, and how a water contamination emergency caused by cyanotoxins can quickly become a public information emergency. Three ...
Public health agencies have an opportunity to recruit for and retain a diverse and skilled workforce. As new funding opportunities emerge ASTHO recommends a focus on proof, people, and processes.
This toolkit for measuring customer satisfaction walks the user through the nine steps of planning, implementation, and acting upon results. Examples and lessons learned are provided along with helpful tips.
This episode is the first in a two-part series that will explore how the concept of chief health strategist is defined, how it works, and how public health leaders can rethink their approach to be more effective in their communities.
This report explores how the seven strategies for HiAP directly relate to the actions involved in developing State Health Improvement Plans, as both are collaborative by nature and seek to improve health and equity.