Infant and Child Health Our youngest are often our most vulnerable and they require specialized, intentional care. ASTHO is committed to helping public health departments protect and improve the health of children and infants by providing ...
On April 4, 2022, the U.S. Senate indicated that they have reached an agreement on a $10 billion bipartisan emergency supplemental funding bill for the federal COVID-19 response.
ASTHO legislative alert, analysis of reauthorization of the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program.
In-depth analysis on state health policy surrounding HIV. This is part of ASTHO's annual legislative prospectus series.
ASTHO Legislative Prospectus | Previewing 2023 state legislative actions on reproductive health.
Public Health TechXpo and Futures Forum Come to the Public Health TechXpo and Futures Forum! TechXpo, tech expo, public health, data modernization, public health event, astho, association of state and territorial health officials, public ...
The ASTHO Federal Government Affairs team answers questions about the work Congress has done for public health so far in 2022.
People exposed to adverse childhood experiences are at risk for negative physical and/or mental health outcomes, substance use disorders, and unfavorable social outcomes in adulthood. One known risk factor for ACEs is caregiver stress, ...
Creating community gathering spaces, or placemaking, has garnered considerable attention in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Youth sports is an important outgrowth of placemaking as they can be a protective factor in preventing ACEs and ...