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Rhode Island Coordinates Statewide Efforts to Address Lead Exposure in Maternal and Child Health Populations


The Rhode Island Department of Health is working with primary care providers in the state to provide services and implement prevention measures that will eliminate lead poisoning and increase screening rates.

State and Territorial Caregiver Wellness Policies May Reduce Adverse Childhood Experiences


People exposed to adverse childhood experiences are at risk for negative physical and/or mental health outcomes, substance use disorders, and unfavorable social outcomes in adulthood. One known risk factor for ACEs is caregiver stress, ...

Placemaking Begets Youth Sports, Promoting Healthier Communities


Creating community gathering spaces, or placemaking, has garnered considerable attention in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Youth sports is an important outgrowth of placemaking as they can be a protective factor in preventing ACEs and ...

ASTHO Policy Watch 2022: Mental Health


Continuing ASTHO’s Legislative Prospectus series—which highlights the top 10 public health policy issues for 2022—this post focuses on mental and behavioral health, as well as supporting the public health workforce.

ASTHO Policy Watch 2022: E-Cigarettes and Flavored Tobacco Products


Each year, ASTHO notes the top public health policy issues to watch in the upcoming year. ASTHO has published a prospectus on several issues, with more coming later this month. ASTHO kicked off its top 10 public health state policy issues ...

ASTHO Policy Watch 2022: Ending the HIV Epidemic


As part of ASTHO’s annual Legislative Prospectus series, we are taking time this week to focus on efforts to end the HIV epidemic. Public health officials across all levels of government have been working to end the HIV epidemic, exploring ...