All COVID-19 Resources

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Responding to Disruptions in Access to Opioid Prescriptions: A Guide for State Health Departments and Their Partners

This ASTHOReport builds on a 2020 document and reflects the current state and federal landscape regarding disruptions, shares updated recommendations on strategies states might use to mitigate risks to patients affected by a disruption, ...

COVID-19 and Beyond: Improving Youth Mental Health Outcomes and Disparities


The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted both the physical and mental health well-being of youth. Disruptions in both their home and school life have put youth at risk for poor mental health outcomes that include increased anxiety, depression, ...

Building More Equitable Health, Housing and Human Services Systems Post-Pandemic


All too often, work in health, housing, and human services systems is siloed. However, when you move upstream and work together, these industries can address the root causes of health and social issues. If we continue to operate our ...

Stronger Together: Six Strategies to Enhance Your State’s Suicide Prevention Infrastructure


May is Mental Health Awareness Month and the importance of continued mental health promotion and suicide prevention efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. As we address the physical effects of COVID-19 through social distancing, mask ...

Data Strategies to Improve Health Outcomes for Indigenous Communities

In this episode, three experts discuss the Federal Advisory Committee on Infant and Maternal Mortality’s most recent report on American Indian and Alaska Native health outcomes and the data-focused recommendations for states and ...

Sharing Island Stories on Health Equity: Setting the Stage for Equity in the Island Areas


In the spring of 2022, ASTHO’s island area members convened at the first island-focused COVID-19 Health Equity Action Institutes and asked each other what creating an equitable and sustainable public health and healthcare system looks like ...