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Timely Spending: North Carolina's Approach to Efficiently Utilizing Federal Funds


This video highlights specific administrative strategies, partnerships, and metrics used by the North Carolina Division of Public Health to support efficient and effective spending of federal funding.

ASTHO Policy Watch 2022: Data Modernization and Privacy Protections


ASTHO notes the top state public health policy issues in an annual Legislative Prospectus series. ASTHO is publishing a prospectus for the top 10 policy issues to watch in 2022. This week we are featuring data modernization and privacy ...

Promoting Mental Well-Being in a Post-Pandemic World


Although suicide was a critical public health issue in the U.S. long before the COVID-19 pandemic began, Americans are now reporting increased mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, and suicidal behaviors. In addition, millions ...

Inclusive Contracting: Successes to Advance Breastfeeding Equity


Though now an illegal practice, government contracts, policies, and practices have generally excluded women, and Black, Indigenous, and people of color. Still, practices and existing structures continue the inequitable distribution of all ...

State and Local Health Officials at the Capitol to Urge Congress to Prioritize Funding for Public Health


State and Local Health Officials at the Capitol to Urge Congress to Prioritize Funding for Public Health ARLINGTON, VA—Over 80 state, local, and territorial health officials from across the country will meet with members of congress on ...

Health Officials Seek Sustained Investments to Protect Moms and Babies


Health Officials Seek Sustained Investments to Protect Moms and Babies ARLINGTON, VA—Health officials say a new CDC study on Zika-associated birth defects is a stark reminder that emerging infectious diseases constitute a persistent threat ...