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Integrating Environmental Health and Electronic Health Information Using GIS Tools

ASTHO has been exploring how using GIS and data visualization tools can improve traditional public health work. This brief shares several expert use cases for visualizing and integrating environmental health and electronic health ...

Lessons on State Resilience and Vulnerability to Complex Disasters


This report highlights lessons learned about how to remain resilient in the face of complex disasters and environmental events, following two listening sessions hosted by ASTHO and the Environmental Council of the States.

Using Your Braiding and Layering Funding to Address Food Insecurity


Food insecurity is a pervasive barrier to the health and well-being of many differing vulnerable populations in the United States, including minority populations and rural communities.

Implementing an Environmental Public Health Tracking Program: Challenges and Solutions

In collaboration with CDC, ASTHO launched its EPHT Fellowship Program to support state and territorial health agencies without dedicated federal funding in building tracking capacity. This brief shares solutions from Delaware and Kansas ...

Communicating During an Emergency: Cyanotoxin Lessons From Oregon

This episode will focus on lessons learned from Oregon Health Authority’s cyanotoxin education and outreach efforts, and how a water contamination emergency caused by cyanotoxins can quickly become a public information emergency. Three ...

2023 Legislative Session Update: Part One


A mid-session legislative update on five of ASTHO's top 10 public health state policy issues to watch in 2023: tobacco, HIV, mental health, PFAS, and opioids.

Approaching Summer, States Ramping Up Water Protections


As the weather warms, state and territorial health agencies prepare to address a rise in public health risks associated with recreational water activities, such as water-related injury, drowning, waterborne disease outbreaks, and exposure ...

Jurisdictions Using Policy to Address Unique Island Area Health Challenges


ASTHO has several members from the territories and Freely Associated States—jurisdictions with unique challenges, and do not fall under the category of a state or federal district. This post is a brief look at some of the public health ...