ASTHO’s Leadership Trailblazers series shares outstanding public health leaders’ inspirations, motivations, and accomplishments. This post features Jay C. Butler (alumni–AK), Deputy Director for Infectious Disease at CDC.
This briefing on PH WINS data considers the implications of moral injury and burnout on the public health workforce in recent years.
This study of 5 states focuses on lessons learned pertaining to the public health workforce and ARP funding during the covid-19 pandemic.
This Workplace Mental Health Playbook goes in-depth on investing in mental health at work by giving guidance on addressing workplace culture.
Dr. Schenk's Lessons from the Public Health Frontline, addressing public health workforce, careers, mental health, wellbeing, and more.
This study from McKinsey conducted a survey to understand the causes and effects of burnout, and provide insights and recommendations.
An assessment tool from the NCBH to evaluate an individual’s skills as a supervisor (or their relationship with their supervisor).
To improve workers’ health, companies need to support “transformational” leaders and weed out “destructive” actors, not just tout wellness programs.
This blog highlights the importance of workplace wellness committees, and outlines best practices for developing one.
It’s time to grab a pumpkin spice latte, a warm blanket, and get cozy with a good book—check out ASTHO's 2023 staff recommendations.