Resources for Public Health Leaders
Displaying 91 to 99 of 102 records
Building a Culture of Resilience - PHTC
This resource from Public Health Training Center is a collection of micro-learnings and resources for building and cultivating resilience at various levels.
Operationalizing PH WINS 2021: Pathways to Resilience for Public Health
This analysis of PH WINS workforce data in the Journal article in Public Health Management and Practice includes pathways to organizational resilience.
National Plan for Health Workforce Well Being
A volume produced by The National Council of Medicine's Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience.
Joy in Work Toolkit - NACCHO
The Joy in Work Toolkit describes the 9 key components of the IHI’s Framework to support workplaces to ensure there is joy in work.
As Families Seek More Work / Life Balance, States Consider Leave Policies
Paid family and medical leave policies are important tools for reducing health disparities, improving parent and child health, preventing COVID-19 transmissi...
Striving for Mental Health Excellence in the Workplace - APA
This in-depth brief includes practical recommendations on mental health excellence in the workplace from the American Psychology Association.
APA Organizational Case Studies
This article from the American Psychological Association provides case studies of seven organizations taking the lead on employee mental health.
Reworking Work - APA
A brief article on considerations around in-person and virtual worksites from the American Psychological Association.
The Pandemic Has Devastated the Mental Health of Public Health Workers - Pew
This Pew Charitable Trusts article addresses the mental health of the public health workforce.
This PH-HERO Workforce Resource Center is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The contents are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, CDC or the U.S. government.