Resources for Public Health Leaders
Displaying 55 to 63 of 102 records
Worker Well-Being Questionnaire (WellBQ) - NIOSH
This assesses worker well-being across multiple spheres, such as quality of working life, personal life, and physical and mental health status.
Technology Can Be Used to Achieve Equal Pay - SHRM
This article outlines various techniques and technologies that can aid in equitable pay practices across an organization.
Social Connection — Current Priorities of the U.S. Surgeon General
To combat the epidemic of loneliness, see Ch. 4 for social connection framework ideas for state, territorial, and local public health agencies.
How to Improve Remote Employees’ Well-Being - SHRM
An article from SHRM with ideas and strategies on wellbeing and social connection approaches for remote and hybrid workers.
Recovery Month Toolkit - SAMHSA
This SAMHSA toolkit will aid in learning more about how to support people in recovery & how to share this information with your audiences.
What is Psychological Safety? - HBR
Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson, speaks to her coined phrase “team psychological safety.”
Psychologically Safe Team Assessment - Workplace Strategies for Mental Health
A free resource to assess psychological safety within a team of 4 or more, across 3 categories: Leadership, Team Interactions, & Inclusion.
Employers Can Do More to Advance Health Equity - HBR
This HBR article explains why businesses should help find solutions to health inequities and showcases companies innovating in this space.
The Secret to Increasing Diverse Representation in Senior Leadership - Seramount
This article outlines the importance of representation in leadership positions, and provides 3 expert recommendations on increasing diversity.
This PH-HERO Workforce Resource Center is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The contents are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, CDC or the U.S. government.