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Placemaking Begets Youth Sports, Promoting Healthier Communities


Creating community gathering spaces, or placemaking, has garnered considerable attention in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Youth sports is an important outgrowth of placemaking as they can be a protective factor in preventing ACEs and ...

Best Practices for States to Identify and Address Breast Cancer Disparities


ASTHO was funded by CDC to create a breast cancer disparities learning community to help health departments in Arizona, Tennessee, and West Virginia identify and address the unique state and local disparities in breast cancer screening ...

Changes to School Nutrition Programs Helping Curb Pandemic-Related Impacts


The National School Lunch Program, a federally-assisted meal program run by USDA, has provided millions of children with nutritionally balanced, low-cost or no-cost lunches each school day.

Integrating Breastfeeding Into Early Childhood Nutrition Security Programs


Breastfeeding is a key protective factor against infant and toddler nutrition insecurity and is the ideal source of nutrition for most infants, since it adapts to each child’s unique nutritional needs.

States Serving Up Healthy Eating Policies


States have identified different strategies to implement healthy eating approaches and reduce obesity at the school and community levels, as well as through food labeling at grocery stores and food markets.