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Harm Reduction Policies Can Prevent Overdose Fatalities


Adopting a public health approach to substance use by implementing harm reduction policies across all levels of government can help communities address the overdose crisis. This post analyzes e

Updated Rundown of State and Territorial COVID-19 Mask Requirements


Several states and territories, as well as many local governments, are going beyond recommendations and requiring individuals to wear face coverings when they are in public settings and spaces (i.e. grocery stores, retail stores, ...

Jurisdictions Moving Many ASTHO Essential Tobacco Control Policies Forward


Over the past several years, states and jurisdictions have continued to implement important policies to reduce tobacco and nicotine use, including increasing tobacco prices, expanding areas deemed “smoke-free,” limiting the sale of ...

School-Based Strategies are Crucial to Supporting Adolescent Girls’ Mental Health


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a particularly negative impact on the mental health of adolescent girls. Fortunately, state legislators have been addressing school-based mental health through legislation enacted since the beginning of the ...

State Strategies for Advancing Viral Hepatitis Elimination


State Strategies for Advancing Viral Hepatitis Elimination astho, association of state and territorial health officials, public health officials, state health officials, territorial health officials, state health department, population ...

State Policies Bolster Investment in Community Health Workers


In the current legislative cycle, there are several policy strategies that support the development and integration of community health workers into the public health workforce, including dedicated federal funding and state laws supporting ...

States Increasing Supports for Early Childhood Programs


Looking to the future, states are improving access to care, providing subsidies for tuition costs, expanding hours of licensed facilities, increasing access, and meeting the needs of both parents and children.