Puerto Rico The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is an unincorporated U.S. territory in the northeast Caribbean Sea. Like the residents of the other Island Areas, Puerto Ricans lack full voting representation in Congress. They typically do not ...
Republic of the Marshall Islands The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) is an independent nation in the western Pacific that lies on the other side of the international date line from the continental U.S. Relationship With the United ...
Measuring Health Equity for Planning and Performance Improvement astho, association of state and territorial health officials, environmental scan, health equity, health equity metrics, health equity strategies, social determinants of ...
This report contains lessons learned and examples of messaging strategies that were successful during cyanobacterial bloom responses, they were collected from 17 state health agency staff members across 12 states.
This report highlights how the North Dakota Department of Health and its partners tested health information technology approaches to improve blood pressure measurement and referral systems in eight local health units and one tribal ...
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to using a Health in All Policies (HiAP) strategy to address lead poisoning prevention. ASTHO held key informant interviews with staff from four state health agencies to learn more about their state ...
In recent years, tick-borne disease cases in the U.S. have almost doubled. The case studies and analyses in this report may serve as a guide as states respond to similar problems in their jurisdictions.
This report presents findings from ASTHO’s 2017 Mosquito Control Survey, including information from thirty-eight jurisdictions about the organizational structure of mosquito control activities and the roles of key external partnerships at ...
On March 28, 2022, the White House released President Biden’s FY23 proposed budget. The budget outlines the Administration’s funding priorities for the upcoming fiscal year. Congress has the authority to approve, reject, or modify the ...