People who use electricity-dependent durable medical equipment (DME) at home—such as ventilators and oxygen concentrators—can face life-threatening consequences during a power outage. HHS reports that 2.7 million Medicare beneficiaries ...
This infographic breaks down the top 10 takeaways from the 2022 Climate and Health Capacity Survey.
As the United States begins to see more wildfires, it is important for health agencies to be ready to address concerns from the public and collaborate with other state agencies to mitigate the health risks of wildfire smoke.
Experts from the Washington State Department of Health discuss understanding and addressing climate and equity concerns.
Tackling Climate Change Using the One Health Approach Shelbi Davis, Courtney Youngbar As the world celebrates Earth Day, we acknowledge the exceptional work of environmental and public health professionals and organizations who work ...
This report analyzes the results from a survey of state and territorial health agency staff to collect information regarding health agency efforts to address climate change and extreme weather.
Better Defining Disability Will Make Data More Inclusive and Usable ASTHO, association of state and territorial health officials, access to health care, centers for disease control, syndromic surveillance systems, health outcomes, person ...
In 2018, ASTHO participated in FEMA's National Level Exercise on hurricane preparedness.
The theme for 2019 National Preparedness Month is "Prepared, Not Scared" with an emphasis on encouraging parents, teachers, and caregivers to teach our youth what to do when a crisis occurs, and how we all can take preparedness ...
U.S. Territories Face Healthcare Cuts if Congress Does Not Address Impending Medicaid Financing Cliff ARLINGTON, VA—Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) member Esther Muña, MHA, chief executive officer at the ...